The Coat of Arms of Canada The Coat of Arms of Ontario
Time for the Right

Hello to one and all! It is time for the right, the Canadian conservative blog for those who want to know the real truth about the news. Tired of the liberal media streaming you only what you want to hear? Tired of higher taxes, senseless laws and bureaucratic bullsh*t? This this is the blog for you!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tory tax cut promise dominates Campaign

Perfect solution gone wrong?
I can not avoid talking about the election no matter how hard I try but this article in particular needs a little time for the right and a shake down from the truth police. No matter where I go, I always get asked about taxation in Canada. Frankly, it is always too high. There is the belief in Canada that the social safety net must be so large in this country that everyone is safe from doing even the most foolish of things such as not work or collect welfare for the sake of sloth. Who are the poor that the media talk about? Where are they and who are there names? Is poverty really a pandemic in this country as they say it is? Paul Martin increased CPP by 40% to assist the less fortunate. They must be abundant to make such a drastic move. Time for the right! This is not true and is a complete farce. The truth is that the media plays with the word "rich" to make you think terribly about a tax cut. When the media says "tax cuts only benefit the rich", they perceive a man with a top hat and a monocle smoking a cigar. This is not who the rich are! The truth is that if get a paycheque that isn't from welfare, you are considered to be very rich. So what about the poor? Isn't this a plague of national proportions? Again, not so. Persons with low income before taxes only consist of 15.9% and are 11.5% after taxes in 2003. The media makes this seem like taxes benefit the poor because there is a lower percentage of them after tax season. But the truth is that the lower income group does not pay any tax or gets it back after rebate. If they had a job, they would make money and pay taxes on that, either EI or income. Therefore if you have a paycheque, you are considered rich. This leaves the great majority of Canadians paying taxes that they could be placed back into the economy by consumers, thus creating jobs for the 15.9% instead of welfare cheques by the Crown. Liberal governments consider tax to be the perfect solution for the poor but has only created a schism between those who work as being rich and those who do not. Perfect solutions go wrong even with the best of intentions.


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