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Time for the Right

Hello to one and all! It is time for the right, the Canadian conservative blog for those who want to know the real truth about the news. Tired of the liberal media streaming you only what you want to hear? Tired of higher taxes, senseless laws and bureaucratic bullsh*t? This this is the blog for you!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Calgary 'sexual sadist' gets 20 years for assaults

Is Justice Blind or Liberal?
It seems like that justice has actually prevailed in this case but thanks to our liberal politicians, the victory has been less than jubilant in reality to the Canadian citizens. I am glad that "justice" was at work in this case but what will happen to this offender of the law? Twenty years seems like a long time right? Not quite! This man has been sentenced twenty years in prison. Take a look at this publication from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (must need Adobe Reader to view). Where do I start with this! This begins with a header of "Increasing sentence length does not reduce the likelihood of re-offending". Are you serious? If you kept the offenders in jail, they would not have the chance of re-offending. It is just that simple! If you also look carefully more, you will see that offenders who have been on their best behaviour can be eligible for parole in seven years or one third of their sentence, whichever is less. In this case, it is less then seven years that this man will be eligible for parole. Are there any girls he can rape in jail? "You have not raped anyone in jail so you must be OK!" I can not imagine the conversation that takes place. "And with the number of repeat sexual offenders being fairly high, I can see why it would be a good idea for your release". The liberal media has fooled you once again! They have just made a sentence that is less then seven years look like twenty. How those liberals sleep at night, I will never know! It is time to keep these especially dangerous offenders behind bars even when we know that they are at high risk of offending again. I guess the innocent Canadian public is at no match for some cheap and rehabilitating liberal votes. I thought justice was blind but I guess it is really liberal.


Blogger Matthew said...

Hey TT, sorry I haven't been around here posting comments (I still look in here almost daily) but I've been really busy with exams and the local campaign! I'll try to make my presence a little more known in the coming weeks though!:)

1:56 AM  

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