The Coat of Arms of Canada The Coat of Arms of Ontario
Time for the Right

Hello to one and all! It is time for the right, the Canadian conservative blog for those who want to know the real truth about the news. Tired of the liberal media streaming you only what you want to hear? Tired of higher taxes, senseless laws and bureaucratic bullsh*t? This this is the blog for you!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Transport Found After Hijacking

Where is the Truth?
The liberal media makes you believe that transport truck drivers are the pinnacle of terrible drivers and that they have no concerns for human life or other drivers on the road. After a whole article and analysis was made to limit the speed and independence of transport drivers everywhere, a small blurb in the CBC talks about how transport drivers are the victim in an unfortunate circumstance, in this case, the hijacking. Everyone has heard the stories of the stories of truck accidents but never of incidences such as these, where the truck driver is a victim. On the major highways, I see it all the time, cars cutting in front to trucks, getting into accidents and blaming the truck driver for not slowing down. It is rarely mentioned in the news, and if it is, is only mentioned as a quick blurb before the next segment. It is not the truck driver that is at fault and the liberal, bias media only make it worse by perpetuating this stereotype. As mentioned in the previos article, these are the greatest drivers on the highway today and do not get credit for it. The truth is that they are just as mad with high taxes in fuel, trying to make time and not to mention when people cut them off. Where is the truth in this liberal media of ours. Just remember that when you drive around trucks, they were not sent be Satan so please be kind and leave extra space. It takes a while for a five ton truck to make a stop while doing 100km/h. That is not bias media, it is just common sense.
Remember: If you bought anything today, thank a trucker for bringing it!


Blogger trustonlymulder said...

Being an educated driver, I always try to not change lanes in front of a truck because the big gap they leave is there for a reason. It is similar to making sure you don't follow a motorcycle too closely as they can stop on a dime.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a pro driver all I can ad is thank you

11:37 PM  

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