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Time for the Right

Hello to one and all! It is time for the right, the Canadian conservative blog for those who want to know the real truth about the news. Tired of the liberal media streaming you only what you want to hear? Tired of higher taxes, senseless laws and bureaucratic bullsh*t? This this is the blog for you!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

US Deserter Bids to Remain in Canada

The True North Strong and Free?
Here we have a case of US war dodgers trying to find refuge in Canada. They must have taken example from the many terrorists and drug addicts that have tried the similar strategies to try to escape to Canada where judicial hearings will be more lenient toward their causes then their native countries. In this case, the United States of America, where if found will probably be sent to a court martial and never be heard of again. For starters, the United States Army has been an all volunteer service since 1973. Did these persons join the army thinking that they will not have to fight? How can they claim refugee status if they have volunteered for this? They can not even use the excuse thay they were drafted like when 40,000 to 60,000 U.S. draft dodgers fled to Canada during the Vietnam War. What is the excuse of these people? They don't wan't what they signed up for? This article is not trying to glamorize war but obeying the law, fulfilling obligations and having responsibility for one's self. You must finish what you start and these people have not done so. The second problem that was hinted at in the beginning of the article was the harbouring criminals from other countries as well as our own for liberal political benefit. Trudeau worded the Canadian constitution in such a way to include all 6.5 billion people in the world are protected by it as long as you are inside Canadian borders. Any criminal or war dodger is protected under these rights. Are these the type of rights that we want Canada to be known for? Keeping criminals safe? This may be the true north strong and free, but not a revolving door for criminals of other countries. The bottom law is that the people in this article broke the law and are trying to hide in Canada. The liberal media tries to make these people look like heros because of the circumstances around it. The law is the law and it has been broken. If there were any justice in Canada, these persons mentioned in the article would be sent back to their home country for judgement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, virtually EVERY american 'deserter', when apprehended by canadian officials HAS been returned to the US. All the constitution guarantees them is due process. Like anybody else in Canada illegally they are shipped back from where they came from. So the charter doesn't enter into it.

Second, this is reality, not elementary school where 'dibs' is law and there is no debate. There is no 'you signed up so you have to do whatever is asked of you cus you signed up'. That's just silly.

If you 'sign up' for military service and your superior officer orders you to shoot the president, do you do it? Of course not.

If you sign up and your superior officer orders you to disobey all conventions of war, do you do that?
Absolutely not. Soldiers are tried for crimes in international courts, even national courts all the time, and 'I was just following orders' has NEVER been accepted. Soldiers have to operate under the same rule of conscience as everybody else.

Add into this the fact that 'signing up' IS often necessary. In the states many illegal aliens are given the opportunity to serve or be sent back to a country where they could be murdered, arrested, or worse. Many ex convicts who cannot find work because of their sentences are told they 'should' look into military service. In these cases the choice is to return to a life of crime, enlist, or live in poverty.

There is also the 'poverty imperative' where many enlistee's simply cannot find gainful employment, often state officials will cut off benefits if a person is military material.

Finally, it is the military's obligation to make sure enlistee's know all the facts, and that has been shown not to be true. Recruiters are sent to areas with the least educational opportunities and they have been shown to be unscrupulous. This often includes lying, just look at their commercials where they NEVER show actual combat. The argument 'they should know better' simply doesn't apply. Perhaps they should, but they often DON"T.

Then of course there are the cases where people are 'recalled'. THere have been many reports where individuals simply didn't 'see the small print' where they could be recalled long after they have finished what they signed up for.

So as we see in Bosnia, saying you follow orders doesn't mean you won't do jail time if involved in crimes against humanity. Iraq is CLEARLY an illegal war, even the US government doesn't bother debating that anymore. The fact is that the US rules the world, which is the only thing saving their officials and soldiers from prosecution. But the world turns, empires fall, things change. This is why it is up to soldiers to ensure that they do what is right, and not what 'the boss' says.

These are life and death matters, many of these soldiers will be asked to kill people, or worse, as we saw in the published pictures. This, in a land far from the US which has NEVER even threatened the US, in fact was a close ally.

So these things are not so simple and shouldn't be treated as such.

5:19 AM  
Blogger TheTorontoTory said...

Anonymous, Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
Now to touch on your comments,

The constitution may grant them due process but the rest must be debated by liberal judges who interpret the law however they please. This will lead to leniency on the side of the "deserters" for their causes. The rest of your comments has little to do the article but will try my best to address them because you put a lot of effort into your piece and you sound like a nice guy/girl. "Add into this the fact that 'signing up' IS often necessary." The greatest fallacy in liberal rhetoric. Service in the military is a privilege and not a right. One does service because they believe in their country's policies and wants to help enforce them. This is the purpose of the Armed Forces, to protect the ideologies of a country. Who is to say that the war is illegal? The UN? They are corrupt as it is with such marvels as the Oil for Food programme. Speaking of Bosnia, you ever wonder what happened to Slobodan Milosevic? Still standing trial guessed it, the UN. This organization can not even convict a man accused of genocide, why should they accuse countries of illegal wars? The people of Iraq? The women raped? The infants tortured? The bodies and mass graves that are being discovered? Do they think the war is illegal? You are talking about illegal? What are ex-cons and illegal aliens doing in the Armed Forces in the first place? The latter group are not even suppose to be in the country! "Finally, it is the military's obligation to make sure enlistee's know all the facts." No it is not! It is not the government's job to make sure you read a contract. If you are naive enough to sign a contract without knowing what it is, that is your problem and not of the government.

I hope this helps. Next time when you comment, please keep it with in the confines of the article. The main point to draw from this is that the "deserters" are in Canada now illegally here and should be punished as such. The issue is not the Iraq war but illegals in Canada. Read the first two sentences of the comment and remember to keep it in context.
Thanks again for your comment!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Ian Hugh Clary said...

It's a horrible example of cowardice and of being a poor neighbour.

3:49 PM  

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