The Coat of Arms of Canada The Coat of Arms of Ontario
Time for the Right

Hello to one and all! It is time for the right, the Canadian conservative blog for those who want to know the real truth about the news. Tired of the liberal media streaming you only what you want to hear? Tired of higher taxes, senseless laws and bureaucratic bullsh*t? This this is the blog for you!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Troops Push into Taliban Area

God Bless Them All!
This is the first time I can remember in a long time that the Canadian Armed Forces were in the media so much. This can also be attributed to the recent and unfortunate death of Corporal Paul Davis. The end of the article also lists the other tragic deaths that recently occured in Afghanistan. Every mission is dangerous, ask any police oficer, especially in the Toronto area, but this current mission that our Amed Forces will be encountering will be extremly dangerous. This will be, as the article states, the "insurgent heartland of southern Afghanistan". This new exposure also covers Gen. Rick Hillier's experience in the Afghan terrain. This exposure is just what Canada needs to see. That our good soldiers are helping developing democracies and are taking an active role instead of a passive one portrayed by the media in the past. No more stories about cutting defence budgets but rather showing how vital our services really are. I am glad that the media has taken this sudden change of heart and hope that it will last more then the flavour of the month. God bless all of your men and women overseas and keep them safe! We are all thinking about you, even the liberal media!


Blogger TheTorontoTory said...

This vulgar advertising is really getting out of hand! How can such language be acceptable just to sell a product?

10:35 AM  

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